5th Anniversary Messages

Five years ago the Friends relaunched this website. For the first 7 years of its life your website was a static front door to the Society of Friends but work started in 2014 to create a dynamic site for sharing and collecting submarine cultural history to complement the Museum’s more artefact based collection. We also took the, for us, momentous decision to shift our membership and payment system online. The new site was designed by Studio Mothership to specifications created by your Digital Lead, the Membership Secretary, John Clayden and Treasurer, Peter Jeanneret.

We have between 3000 and 4500 unique visits to the site each month. There are over 10GB of dits, books, photos, cartoons, magazines and reference documents with 332 Dits and Bits posts and over 800 comments. The most commented on post was the one regarding the new Submarine Flotilla tie!

From the Chairman:
Over the last five years our the Friend’s Website has developed enormously.  Many members contribute interesting, informative or plainly scurrilous items and it has become an excellent vehicle for the exchange and sharing of current and historical data.  This development is due almost entirely to the dedication and work of Tom Herman our digital lead and I am grateful for his enthusiastic contributions.  Now, more than ever the Website is of great value in keeping members and the wider Submarine Community in touch.  I trust you are all keeping safe and well and I wish you all the best in these times and encourage you to access and use the Website.
Jon Westbrook   

From Commodore Submarine Service :
The Friends of the RN Submarine Museum website has grown over the last 5 years into a unique collection of our cultural history which helps foster the ethos traditions which are the bedrock of the RN Submarine Service.  I know too that it has helped draw many of our veterans together and renew and strengthen bonds between shipmates of all ages.  I would like to congratulate and thank the Friends for this work – a collaborative effort of over 600 submariners, young and old. 
Commodore Jim Perks OBE RN

2 comments on “5th Anniversary Messages”

  1. aherman@hotmail.co.uk says:


  2. rycsharp1@gmail.com says:

    Well done and thank you for this regular means of keeping in touch – especially in lockdown!

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